The library seemed like the best place for quiet, concentration, and work.
I was wrong.
Upon walking into the library I saw five Facebook accounts, two e-mail inboxes, and an apparently hilarious homework topic. Oh, and there was the guy that was entranced with Farm Town. I didn’t know there was a Business in Agriculture class offered here…
This is a little place we like to call Club Fondren. Luckily, I’ve finished everything and now have time to reflect upon our beloved main library. Luckily, I finally found a small corner for myself in the Government Reference section on the second floor. Prior to this cozy little spot, I was sitting on the second floor in what I suppose is a lounge. A group of Thetas were in an apparent tizzy about some problems they were having with the Chi O’s. Drama between sororities?! No…
Aside from the irony, I am extremely content. I added extremely in there because it’s so true. Life is just wonderful. Classes are going well and I’ve gotten a huge break because I dropped my Chemistry class. I still feel guilty about it, but I do believe it was the best move. No worries.
On another happy note, Kenzie, Mitch, a few of others, and I are going to a concert on Friday and the Homecoming game is Saturday, so the weekend looks promising. It should be a grand time. Homecoming week has been insane thus far and all the sororities/frats seem to love every minute. I’m a bit burnt out on sorority functions, lunches, etc., so I think I may need to lay off before I lose motivation to actually pledge after Winter Break.
I want to give a more detailed account of my life, but just thinking about how un-productive this is, I must go read, or something. Maybe I could sleep? That sounds like a fine idea. I hope these short little accounts are pleasing for now, I can’t wait to write extensively and bore everyone to death!
All my love,
Jennie Lee