Well, it's the eve of Commissioning. That's all I have to say about that.
But really, I just thought I'd make something crystal clear. There have been quite a few people suggest joining the military is something we choose to do as a last resort. Couldn't find anything else to do, so just went and joined the Marines/Army/Air Force/Navy/Coast Guard. This idea is laughable, to say the least.
The first thing you have to know is some of the most inspiring, driven and intelligent individuals I've come across are members of our armed forces. They have chosen to serve, not because they cannot find anything else to do with life, but because they realize the honor that accompanies service. Various branches of our military provide the opportunities young men and women crave that cannot be found in any other occupation.
As for me and my decision, it is not a "way out" for me. Service through the Marine Corps is something I've dreamed of for years. Now I have that opportunity, and I've chosen to take it on with full force. Christ calls us to be disciples in so many different ways and this just happens to be mine.
Next time you catch yourself or someone else speaking with hesitation about mine and so many others' decision to join the military, please stop. Provide for us, an honorable place to remain and a welcome place to which we may return when our time in service is complete.