Thursday, July 29, 2010

Be Brave

I recently e-mailed this to many of y'all, but for anyone else whose address I do not have, here you go. Enjoy?

I cannot believe I'm doing this. Most of y'all know how anti-political I am and how sick I am of politicians in general. However, this latest debate over Senate Bill 1070 (aka Arizona's new law on immigration) has really got me going...

This isn't about racism or equal rights. I'm sorry, I'm not wiling to compromise the safety of our nation so we can have sympathy for a few illegals, some of whom have smuggled drugs and humans and killed in cold blood both in Mexico and in the United States. And yes, I realize that only "some" of the illegal immigrants coming into the United States fall under that description. One of my favorite people in high school came to the United States illegally and I have many friends whose families feel the need to sneak into the United States. So yes, I understand not all illegal immigrants are "bad." But that is not our only issue here. When I read the bill, I was both relieved and disappointed that the revisions were not entirely new laws. Rather, they require law enforcement to uphold the laws that were originally in place. Additionally, they hold employers accountable for the knowledgeable employment of illegal immigrants. I was relieved because I was expecting some radical, extreme right-wing attempt at obliterating illegal, that wasn't the case. However, my disappointment was caused by my realization for the need of these revisions at all. We shouldn't need them because those that claim to protect our country should be doing just that. But that's a whole other debate that just won't fit in for now.

So, where did this passion come from? Well, I'll be the first to tell you that I'm all for equal rights. Slavery and racism have crippled our nation and are partially responsible for why we can't just buckle down and stop this nonsense. We can't be afraid of stepping on a few toes. I fully understand that America is a safe haven to those who have been adversely affected by the cartel and gangs in Mexico. It absolutely cannot be a hometo the cartel and gang violence from Mexico. When I was in high school (I know, so long ago, right?) I got a video text from a friend one day. It haunted me for months. It was a real video of a boy being decapitated. I'm not joking. He was alive. His head was being sawed off. I know that sounds violent and graphic, but we have to face it. It's bad over there. I know of three people in my graduating class that had to travel to Mexico because family members had been killed by gang members. The said family members were not members of gangs or involved in drug trafficking. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. If this isn't enough for you, go watch this video sometime : The drug traffickers coming to America wouldn't want to do so if we weren't such big consumers. Again, that's another debate that just doesn't have room here.

If you watched the video (and even if you didn't) WE DON'T NEED THAT KIND OF VIOLENCE LEAKING INTO THE UNITED STATES. We have enough issues to tackle (aka the economy, the war in Afghanistan...) to allow another issue to plant itself and flourish at our borders. I'm all for citizens of Mexico (and other nations!) to take the time and effort the legally make their way into the United States. I'll be honest, I don't know how hard it is to earn citizenship, but I feel like if I was faced with some of the situations Mexican families have faced, I would be pretty adamant on making that happen and getting my butt to the land of the free and the home of the brave. No one should have to live day-to-day, wondering if it's safe to go outside in fear of being shot down. After all, the what's another name for the Statue of Liberty? Oh yeah, the Mother of Exiles. Give them to us, we want them! But we expect immigrants to work hard, pay taxes, and obey the law just like the rest of us do. It's really not asking that much. This is America and we want to protect the immigrants. We WANT to be a safe haven from the violence...we're just gonna ask that you go by our rules. We're not going to ignore the violence in Mexico because it does affect us. No, I do not believe it is our right to step into Mexico and "fix" the problem, but we do have the right to protect our citizens. Our men and women are doing it overseas and I fear the day when we have to fight within our own country just to protect it. For some reason, that just doesn't seem to make sense. I want everyone to be safe. I don't care what color you are, where you came from, or why you chose to become a citizen of the U.S. We will protect you.

I can ramble on and on, but what I really need to do is go re-read the revised bill. I love my Mexican friends with all my heart and it breaks me to know their families are in danger. I welcome the immigrants that come legally and are willing to work to better this great nation. I also support our law enforcement and I think they should be allowed and urged to do their jobs. They don't have to be mean or racist, but they must protect all of us. The further you live from the border states, the harder it is for you to understand just how serious this problem is. That's fine, I don't expect you to understand how bad it is down here. We can't just open the flood gates and let everyone in. It's not even close to being that simple. I'm not angry and I don't think we can just drop bombs on the nations giving us trouble and say, "Problem solved." I'm not equipped (nor should I HAVE to be) to fight, but I'm willing to do it should I be called to do so. That's why I support all armed forced to protect us...all of us. If you know me, you know I am all for "peace and love" (almost enough that it makes Mom and Dad sick) but you can't be a hippie 24/7. Sometimes you must buckle down. I'm not forcing you to "do" anything, just know where you stand on this issue. You can go to or if you really want to donate or put in your own two cents.

This isn't just about Arizona. It's not about racism. And up to this point, it's not even about taxes. It's not about my home in New Mexico! Our law enforcement must be allowed and REQUIRED to do their jobs. I don't want to fear for the lives of my Mexican friends or for my own family. You don't have to be an extremist on either side, you just have to love your country and strive to uphold her values. Let's not let those values go up in smoke.

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