Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Until Next Time

Well...last full night before I leave for OCS so I might as well take advantage of the computer while I still can.  My bag's packed (for the most part) and all that's left to do is clean up the room.  Mom wants it "ship shape" so you can bet I will have that done by tomorrow afternoon.  

I'm so ready to leave all of the "me" behind and start thinking like a real team player.  There are a lot of selfish things I think I tend to hold on to, so it's time to just let it go and give everything I have for something else.  That means no Rangers, no nice comfy runs at the ranch, no cooking whenever and whatever I want, no playing the guitar when I get sitting around.  Friday.

I watched the sun come up while we gathered the east horse trap this morning.  Every time I watch a sunrise it helps me realize how incredibly blessed I am and how grateful I am to be headed in the direction I am.  There's a lot of growth and learning I must do, but I can't wait to see what God has in store around the next corner.  And sure, I may not always do things the right way, but I'm trying my hardest and I will learn from my mistakes.

As far as things being "around the corner," some of you asked what my bucket list has in store for me.  I won't bore you with the entire list, but I'll pick out some of my favorites that might be entertaining and/or surprising. 
  1. Run a 100-mile terrain race
  2. Spend at least 3 months camping (for running water/RV/any kind of civilization)
  3. Visit Scandinavian countries and Australia (for starters)
  4. Stunt double once? Perhaps?
  5. Learn how to sew
  6. Write children's books
  8. Get really, really old <-----Not sure how I'll know when that one's "achieved"
  9. Crash a wedding
  10. Win multiple shooting competitions
So yeah, that's my bucket list in an extremely condensed form.  The list continues to grow but like I said, when an item on the list is achieved, you'll hear from me.  Career goals aren't listed here, but they're on the list, rest assured.  I do have practical goals, not just whimsical fantasies. 

I wish I had something more exciting to say, but tonight is just going to have to be simple and straightforward.  I will appreciate your prayers and thoughts these next six weeks and don't even think of giving up on me because I guarantee I won't give up on whatever I might be doing.  Friday I have an opportunity to take the first step in achieving one of the most important objectives on my bucket list: to serve as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. 

Semper Fi, y'all.       

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Git 'r Done

Yesterday I decided I needed to start a bucket list...for real.  I realized there are so many things I want to do with my life but I never wrote them down.  Because I love an adrenaline rush, I feel like leaving something out or forgetting I wanted to do something would just be really bad. 

As I was making my bucket list, I realized something else: I have a lot of lofty goals.  I mean, sure I want to sky dive, bungee jump, hang glide, all that fun stuff.  However, there are a ton of far-off places I want to go, big things I want to do, and huge career goals I want to achieve.  I know my bucket list probably isn't too different from everyone else's because we all want to do big things with our lives.  I mean, we're not here just to sit around and watch everyone else.   

So now you're asking, "So what? You made a bucket list.  Big deal."  But there's more to making a bucket list than just dreaming up some goals and writing them down.  The thing is, if you want to achieve those goals, they're not just going to fall in place and achieve themselves.  My bucket list made me realize it's not too early to start working on those goals.  I'm only 20, but if I want to get some of those things done before my joints give out, I'm going to have to start now. 

On another note, that bucket list doesn't have to be a plan to save the world.  I kept asking myself last night, "What makes me happy?"  I laughed as I wrote because to someone else, my list probably seems pretty dumb.  The things on my list are things that drive me, things that make me want to be a better person and the best at what I do.  However, the list is also a compilation of things I want to do for and with other people to keep me humble. 

So don't get me wrong.  I'm a big believer in taking some time just to be quiet and relax.  But I can't live my life just sitting back and being quiet.  So here's a challenge for you: make some noise.  No, that doesn't necessarily mean protesting outside the Supreme Court for or against some big issue.  To me, making noise means stirring up your own life.  Believe it or not, you'll make a stand for something, even if it's discreet and indirect.  Be the action, not just the words.  Fill your life with goals and ambitions and don't be afraid to achieve them, but still take the time to be quiet and listen.  God is more than willing to help you with your direction. 

If you're not ready to start working toward those lifetime goals, start with today.  Shoot, start with this morning. Set some goals and get them done.  You're only stuck in the mundane if you allow yourself to get caught up in what's happening right now.  Track your progress and look forward to making the next day better (or the next hour, if we're taking baby steps).  It's never...ever too late to start on goals.   

Me? I'm going to continue working on that list and I really don't care if it gets ridiculously long or elaborate.  I'm going to set goals that fit me, not what someone else wants me to be.  As I achieve something on the list don't worry, I'll let you know.  This is going to be a ton of fun.  Let's get 'r done.      

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Got Your Earplugs?

Mom wants me to sing with them in church next Sunday. This could get ugly.

We all know I'm practically tone-deaf so if you'd rather save your ears, by all means, come to church, but bring earplugs just to be safe. 

There's really nothing interesting happening in my life. Gheegee's making progress, we cleaned out the cedar closet yesterday, and I'm still as excited as ever about leaving for OCS.  I really need that discipline in my life...

Can I just say how much fun cleaning out the cedar closet was?  I think Mags and I were seven again.  Eventually, Mags was wearing Mom's wedding dress and I was wearing my Martha hat.  Mom found some American flag antennae...yes antennae, and swore she was going to wear them to OCS graduation.  If she does, I won't speak or look at her until we get back home.  That's a promise.

But today's Mom's birthday so if she wants to be goofy today, I won't disown her.  She's pretty awesome, so she deserves a day (or every day) to do whatever the heck she wants. 

Okay, no more rambling.  Today's also Norway's birthday, so this is a shout-out to Silje, Kristine, and Monika.  I'm sorry you can't be home on this awesome day, but celebrate from America and know I'm thinking of you!

I feel like leaving y'all with a quote today since I haven't said anything prolific:

"The world is not the most pleasant place. Eventually your parents leave you and no one is going to go out of their way to protect you unconditionally. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe and sometimes, pardon my language, kick some ass."  --Queen Elizabeth II

Listen to Queen Elizabeth...go kick some ass today.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Old Schoooool Brotha

Today I finally got around to reading the Texas Monthly article about the Rangers.  Well actually it was about Ron, Josh, C.J., and Nolan, but still it was an article about the Rangers.  It just made me so happy to love baseball and even more importantly, to love Texas baseball.  I remember getting so excited about visiting the family in Tyler because that usually meant a trip to Six Flags and a Rangers game.  Yep, I had the Pudge poster in my room and everything.  Most dedicated moment?  Going to a game with a cast on my broken nose.  Sure I had my hat pulled down as far as it would go, but dammit I got the see a stadium boo A-Rod as soon as he stepped up to the plate.  So in case you're wondering if I'm one of the "bandwagon fans," think again.  I hated the Yankees before anyone told me that was what true Texas fans did.

This past Fall at SMU, I was on the boulevard before a home football game and after some guy introduced himself to me he said, "Wait, aren't you that crazy Rangers fan?"  Of course I owned up to it and the thought that someone had actually described me in that way made me overjoyed.  Yeah, I'm a little crazy, but baseball and the Rangers are totally worth it.

 So why do I love them?  How can you not?  Unlike many teams in the MLB they're a brotherhood.  Yeah, Michael Young was in a bad spot with Daniels at the beginning of the season, but you couldn't find one player that didn't support Young, no matter what was going to happen.  The guys play for the game and for passion, which is unfortunately why we constantly have guys on the DL. For those guys, it means pushing a little bit harder and sacrificing a little bit more for the W.  They laugh, and they make up those claw and antler signs we've all come to know and love.  They remind me so much of our Eunice boys who are (obviously) not playing for money, but for the game and the glory of winning.  And that spirit showed when Feliz threw that last strike against the Yankees in Game 6 last season.  In that dog pile, it wasn't about contracts, negotiations, or money.  It wasn't about landing a new contract or impressing the sponsors.  It was about the game of baseball and the passion it takes to make it to the top with your best friends (literally) backing you up. 

And in case you're wondering about the title of the blog, that's what Dylan likes to call Wash, and I think it exemplifies the attitude of the team.  They're boys who've been through every walk of life: Drugs, alcohol, poverty, immigration, high-class, backwoods, you name it, one of our boys has probably done it or been there.  But baseball is that one uniting element, that one thing that keeps those guys together. 

So America, you can take football if you want it, but I'll stick with baseball and the Rangers, even if it means another heartbreak.     

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Home Again Home Again Rig-A-Jig Jig"

That's what Gheegee would always say as soon as we pulled into the garage after a late night at dance.  And that's how I feel now.  I can see the stars, it's actually dark outside, and it's not humid.  Yep, I'm back at the ranch for a couple of weeks.

These past few days have shown me how many amazing friends and family members we have and I just couldn't be more blessed.  I feel so spoiled to be supported by so many people, so I just want to say thanks to all those who have kept us in their thoughts and prayers.  Believe me, you do not go unappreciated.  Thank you.  Thank you.  THANK YOU.

On another note, tonight I thought a lot about questions quite a few people have asked me lately: "Why the Marines," and "Why would you want to do something like that?"

For me the question is, "Why not?"  I know crawling around in the mud, having people in your face 24/7, and putting yourself close to danger doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but there's so much more to my decision than that.  Firstly, I have to say there are few things I've done in my 20-year span of life that have felt this perfect.  I know I'm a leader, but I never really knew how I was supposed to lead until I pictured myself in the Marines.

I told my mom tonight that I remember the first time I decided I was in love with the Marines.  I was probably in 6th or 7th grade and a USMC commercial came on and I just remember wanting to do something harder than anything I've ever imagined.  I wanted to be broken down, to be better, to do something no one thought I would be able to do.  That's when it started.

So I kinda pushed the idea out of my mind because I wasn't necessarily interested in a military academy and enlisting wasn't an option because I knew I had to go to college...but then I found this program.  It was perfect.  College.  Summer Training.  TBS after college, then MOS and (hopefully) deployment after that.  I've never been so excited to start something in my life.

You may not understand why I would want to do something like this and you may look at me and tell me I'll never do what I want, especially because I'm a girl.  Well, I have to tell you, you couldn't be more wrong.  I want to be broken, I want to be told I'm not good enough.  I want to rise above every negative thing anyone says to me and lead leaders.

I'm not doing this because I think it will paint some glorious picture of myself and I  can live some war-movie lifestyle.  No thanks.  I know I have the "I can" to make it, and I will not fail.  I don't care how much it hurts or how much I might screw up.  I'll learn and I will get better because I do believe I live in the greatest country on earth and I couldn't be more blessed to call this place home.  Someone has to protect everything we have and I'm more than willing to do it.

You can raise your eyebrows all you want when I say, "I'm joining the Marines," because it will only motivate me even more. Shocking?  To you, yeah maybe.  To me?  I'm fulfilling a dream.  

Oh and Gunny, if you happen to read this, I hope you know now that I'm not just doing this for the t-shirts.    

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So...I'm home.  Well almost.  I actually made it to Midland and stayed with Mags last night.  We're planning on going to Lubbock this afternoon to visit Gheegee in the hospital.  For those of you wondering, she was air-lifted on Sunday morning and the doctors found some bleeding on the left side of her brain.  So many friends and family members have rallied around us prayed and we can't thank them enough.  It's gonna be a long (5-6 weeks) of rehab in the hospital so we've got to just keep the faith!
Gotta get ready to go to Lubbock now.  Not the ideal way to start the summer, but hey, God wouldn't give it to us if we couldn't handle it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Long Haul...With the Scandanavians

So today, just like every Sunday, was our long run around White Rock Lake. 75 that was enjoyable. I kinda felt like this:

Legs were stiff, ankle pretty sore, but I'm pretty sure everyone was in the same boat today. But I'm good now that I finished. : )

So that was my last practice with the team. So weird. I love those girls so much and I can't imagine how I would have survived this semester without them. It's so fun to learn about the Swedish and Norwegian cultures and to hear about how much they love America and how much fun they've had while here. They're so brave for coming all the way over here just to run and go to school, so I admire them more than I can ever say.

Of course, I love my American teammates too! They've been running XC much longer than I have and Steph especially keeps me motivated and ensures me I can get where I want to be. Again, my teammmates help me survive. They're such a blessing!

I'll have to say goodbye to Klara and Lovisa for the last time tomorrow, and I'm not at all looking forward to it. I don't want them to go back to Sweden. At all. :' (

So I'll leave on that note. Those are the flags of the three countries we represent (Sweden-Norway-U.S.A). We're just a bunch of (for the most part) light-haired, light-eyed, distance runners who couldn't love each other more. I cannot wait for next year, but I just know it won't be the same with two of the sweetest girls I've ever met. So tack, Klara and Lovisa, for an amazing year. I will miss you terribly! And always think of my when you eat your banan (!!!) after practice.

Off to study for one. more. final. One more. Then freedom and and the Marines call my name.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sleepy Time...She Comes

Holy cow, I never thought I'd make it. The end of the semester is so so close and I can't believe I've actually made it through without a complete breakdown. And with A's, might I add (okay, okay I'm counting A-minuses too). Sometimes I wish I didn't care about my grades, but when my GPA comes together, it's really satisfying. Just had to say that.

Now I can stop being conceited. I'm coming away from this semester with a happier, more productive outlook on life and school in general. I've made the greatest friends (and gained a Little!) through cross country and I learned that living with someone definitely doesn't mean you are going to hate each other when it's all said and done. I have a new love for medieval literature and I'm more aware and concerned with the current state of our public school system in America. I know to be a manager you have to have common sense...oh and make sure you know pointless terms for that common sense. Children's literature is apparently much more politicized than I ever imagined and archaeology, well, it's cooler when Gheegee's involved. Steph (my Little) told me the other day, "I feel like I'm in college to get a job and you're in college to learn." So yes, I'm a nerd and I like to take bizarre classes just for general knowledge, but it's fun.

So now we have this summer...and next semester lurking around the corner. So here's a list of next semester's classes:

1) Anatomy

2) Intermediate Fiction Writing

3) Ways of Being Religious

4) Revenue in Sports

5) Picturing the American West

I won't have class on Fridays (YIPEE!) so that's going to be absolutely amazing. I'm THRILLED about the Picturing the American West class (it's an Honors Perspective) because it covers everything from Lewis and Clarke to Clint Eastwood. I'll be working in the Locomotor Lab again and possibly teaching a Bible study, so things are really looking up for me. I'll take Health Psychology and a "Mountain Sports" class in August in Taos, so that should also be a ton of fun as well!

But I couldn't possibly be more excited about OCS this summer. I can't wait to push myself further than I've ever been and prove to everyone exactly how much I can do. I'm going in weak and I want to come out stronger than I've ever been. It will be a test of my personality, my physical ability, and my mental grit. Y'all will be able to call me Lieutenant Pearson in no time.

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