Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's a Great Day to be ALIVE

Don’t give up on me just yet. I promise this blog isn’t going to go to waste. I am so glad to have last week behind me and it looks like this week is going to be ever-so-enjoyable. I can’t believe October is coming to a close, but that means Halloween. And Halloween in college is going to be fantastic. But enough with all that, I want you all to know I’ve made a pretty important decision…

I’ve decided to switch majors. I really hope no one is going to be disappointed, but I will take up the new Applied Physiology and Sport Management major rather than following the pre-med track. I will, however, keep the English major and I’ll have tons of fun. Over the past few weeks, I have put a lot of thought and prayer into my future and I can’t say how much all of your prayers helped me make this decision. I know I want to stay in the “health” industry, but I want to help promote healthy lifestyles, rather than fix problems that are results of some unhealthy practice. So, after I earn this degree, I may go on to pursue a Master’s, but I need to meet with my advisor and sort all of that out. But now what am I going to do with my life, right? Well, this degree will give me SO many options and I will be more inclined to work within the sport industry. I want to either be a personal trainer or a wellness coach, possibly for a professional team if I really work my way up. I’m all about “living well” and I know I would love to help people have that same outlook on life.

You know what this means? No more Chemistry and no more Calculus. When I started planning my “new schedule” and realized that fact, an insane amount of stress just escaped my body. Y’all, Jennie’s going to finally be Jennie again! Thanks so much for the prayers, because I know you all prayed that God would show me what direction I needed to take in my life and that has consequently made me happy.

Well, intramural flag football is ever-looming! I have my first game on Sunday and our only game plan is domination. It should be fun. Kenzie and I are on the same team so it will be a blast. Another highlight of the past week involves a little surprise...

I promise I’m not pregnant. I officially joined the yearbook staff and found out that I will actually get paid to write articles. Isn’t that fantastic? It was such a surprise and it made me beam with joy. Again, the power of prayer is amazing.

Quite literally, the sun came out today. No rain. No clouds. No one looked at me like I wasn’t good enough. I smiled a whole lot today. I miss you all so much, but I finally let myself be genuinely happy. I started letting go of things I need to forget and I started to get excited about all the possibilities in front of me. I have been tearing away at myself because I feel as if I let so many great relationships go to waste before I left home, but now I understand that we must all change, hurt, and do bad things every now and then if we want to grow. I’m growing.

I hope I haven’t let anyone down because I’ve decided NOT to be a doctor, but y’all, this is going to be a better life for me. I’ve always wanted to raise a family (if I can find someone that can put up with me for that long) in a very middle-class, down-home sort of way. I don’t want my kids to grow up knowing that they have plenty of money to fall back on. I definitely don’t want my family to struggle, but I want my kids to know the value of hard work. I know, I’m going to be a horrible mother. Maybe I’m supposed to be single and live on a beach in Australia for the rest of my life?

My mind is starting to run off on a random tangent, so I will stop being so self-centered and get back to work. Y’all, I can’t thank you enough for having me in your thoughts and prayers. You are the absolute best and you keep me going when the days are miserable!

All my love,

Jennie Lee


  1. I know I speak for all of us when I say we are BEYOND proud of you. You're an awesome, awe inspiring young lady. And even though, I'm the "big" sister, I learn so much from you every day! No one is disappointed. We're all just amazed you figured out your plan so quickly. It takes most of us years (in college and after) to figure all that out. Just another way you prove to be wise beyond your years :) Love you, Jen.

  2. You know that "insane amount of stress" that left your body today? Well, it had company! I have so prayed that God would lead you in a direction according to His will for you, and even more importantly, that you would listen and respond. God is good...ALL the time!

    I cannot tell you how proud I am of you. There just are no words. I know how difficult this time has been for you, how you've struggled to find your place...how you lost Jennie for a while. I'm SO happy she's back...because there is no one else quite like her! :-) But you persevered. And THAT's a "Family Tradition!" ;-)

    I hope now that college will begin to be all the things you wished for it to be. You deserve that...and so much more. I feel so blessed to have TWO such amazing girlies. My cup runneth over. Disappointed? Hardly!

    I love you SO much baby girl!



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