Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Home Again Home Again Rig-A-Jig Jig"

That's what Gheegee would always say as soon as we pulled into the garage after a late night at dance.  And that's how I feel now.  I can see the stars, it's actually dark outside, and it's not humid.  Yep, I'm back at the ranch for a couple of weeks.

These past few days have shown me how many amazing friends and family members we have and I just couldn't be more blessed.  I feel so spoiled to be supported by so many people, so I just want to say thanks to all those who have kept us in their thoughts and prayers.  Believe me, you do not go unappreciated.  Thank you.  Thank you.  THANK YOU.

On another note, tonight I thought a lot about questions quite a few people have asked me lately: "Why the Marines," and "Why would you want to do something like that?"

For me the question is, "Why not?"  I know crawling around in the mud, having people in your face 24/7, and putting yourself close to danger doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but there's so much more to my decision than that.  Firstly, I have to say there are few things I've done in my 20-year span of life that have felt this perfect.  I know I'm a leader, but I never really knew how I was supposed to lead until I pictured myself in the Marines.

I told my mom tonight that I remember the first time I decided I was in love with the Marines.  I was probably in 6th or 7th grade and a USMC commercial came on and I just remember wanting to do something harder than anything I've ever imagined.  I wanted to be broken down, to be better, to do something no one thought I would be able to do.  That's when it started.

So I kinda pushed the idea out of my mind because I wasn't necessarily interested in a military academy and enlisting wasn't an option because I knew I had to go to college...but then I found this program.  It was perfect.  College.  Summer Training.  TBS after college, then MOS and (hopefully) deployment after that.  I've never been so excited to start something in my life.

You may not understand why I would want to do something like this and you may look at me and tell me I'll never do what I want, especially because I'm a girl.  Well, I have to tell you, you couldn't be more wrong.  I want to be broken, I want to be told I'm not good enough.  I want to rise above every negative thing anyone says to me and lead leaders.

I'm not doing this because I think it will paint some glorious picture of myself and I  can live some war-movie lifestyle.  No thanks.  I know I have the "I can" to make it, and I will not fail.  I don't care how much it hurts or how much I might screw up.  I'll learn and I will get better because I do believe I live in the greatest country on earth and I couldn't be more blessed to call this place home.  Someone has to protect everything we have and I'm more than willing to do it.

You can raise your eyebrows all you want when I say, "I'm joining the Marines," because it will only motivate me even more. Shocking?  To you, yeah maybe.  To me?  I'm fulfilling a dream.  

Oh and Gunny, if you happen to read this, I hope you know now that I'm not just doing this for the t-shirts.    

1 comment:

  1. Jennie.......I think you are incredible! You go girl! Dream.....dream big and DO it!!!! I admire you so much, and we are praying for you!!! luv ya! crill


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